Although we’re already in the 21st century, we can’t deny that heinous crimes against women, especially young girls, still exist today. This is where the DSWD Home for Girls (HFG) comes in.
Also Read: DSWD Bahay Tuluyan ng mga Bata: Safe House for Children Victims
Here in this guide, we will provide an overview of this initiative, its benefits, and the qualifications to join. Keep on reading if you’re interested to learn more about this program.

What is the DSWD Home for Girls?
The DSWD Home for Girls is a shelter facility that provides housing, education and livelihood support to girls who are victims of child abuse and exploitation.
Girls under the age of 18 who have special needs and cannot be adequately cared for by their own families or relatives for an extended period of time can stay at the Home for Girls, which is a temporary residential institution that is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Home for Girls offers group living arrangements to meet the requirements of these young women. Residents can receive temporary care and treatment in a therapeutic environment that is under strict control, with the intention of helping them rejoin or reintegrate with their families and communities so that they can lead regular lives.
The mission of the Home for Girls is to provide abused children with a secure and comforting environment in which they can receive psychosocial interventions to assist them in overcoming the effects of their traumatic experiences and beginning the process of getting ready to return to their families.
On the other hand, the mission of the Home for Girls is to establish a comprehensive and needs-based framework for the rehabilitation of children. Within this framework, the girls will be provided with various chances to maximize and grow their potential while simultaneously regaining their sense of self-worth and dignity.
Program Goals & Specifics
The Home for Girls aims to create a society where girl children can thrive by providing them with the necessary structure, safety, and opportunities to realize their full potentials. This goal will be achieved through the development of a client-centered environment that will allow them to receive the necessary rehabilitation and support.
The Home for Girls is a facility that provides temporary shelter and protective custody for girls. It also engages in various strength-based interventions to restore their psychosocial functioning.
- Ensure that there are sufficient resources available for the delivery of programs and services in accordance with the requirements of the customers.
- Recovery from traumatic experiences and successful reintegration into society are the goals of an efficient rehabilitation program and the provision of services to clients and their families.
- Grow the number of community partners who are proactive, high-performing, and supportive of your cause.
- Take the initiative to advance the cause of equality and the protection of children’s rights by vehemently campaigning to eliminate all forms of child abuse.
General Objective
Through the provision of protection and rehabilitation programs, to support children who have been victims of sexual abuse and exploitation in their early recovery and reintegration into their families and communities as quickly as possible.
Specific Objectives
- To offer short-term housing for children who face an unacceptable danger of additional abuse if they are allowed to remain in their own families;
- To shield young girls from more instances of abuse, exploitation, and neglect, as well as other situations;
- To provide suitable individualized treatment programs for the purpose of addressing behavioral issues;
- To involve the kid in her own healing and recovery from the traumatic effects of the abuse, as well as to help her overcome the effects of the abuse;
- To provide opportunities for development in all aspects of the girl-child’s personality;
- To encourage LSWDO participation and the child’s family in deciding on the best alternative placement for the girl-child after she is discharged from the Center;
- To provide the girl-child with additional support services in the form of skill training, education, and livelihood activities in preparation for her reintegration into the community.
Legal Bases
Declaration of Policy states the following principles:
1. Republic Act No. 7610 entitled, “An Act Providing for Stronger Deterrence and Special Protection Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination” on 22 July 1991, states that:
The State shall intervene on behalf of the child when the parents, guardian, teacher or person having custody of the child is unable to protect the child against abuse, exploitation and discrimination or when such acts aganst the child are committed by the said parent, guardian, teacher or person having care and custody of the same. (Sec.2, Art. 1)
It is the Policy of the State to protect and rehabilitate children gravely threatened or endangered by circumstances which affect or will affect their survival and normal development and over which they have no control. Every effort shall be exerted to promote the welfare of children to enhance their opportunities for a useful and happy life.
The offended party shall immediately be placed under the custody of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) pursuant to Executive Order No.56, Series of 1986. In the regular performance of this function, the officer of the DSWD shall be free from any administrative, civil or criminal liability. Custody proceedings shall be in accordance with provisions of Presidential Decree No. 603 or the “The Child and Youth Welfare Code”. (Sec. 28, Art. XI)
2. R.A 7610 also mandates the formulation of a comprehensive program for the protection of children against any form of abuse, which endanger child survival and normal development.
3. The Philippines as a state party to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, has the legal obligation to implement the following related provisions on special protection:
Article 19 a. State Parties shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation including sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s) or any other person who has the care of the child.
Article 34. State Parties shall undertake to protect the child from all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. For these purposes, the inducement or coercion of a child to engage in any unlawful sexual activity and exploitive use of children in pornographic performances and materials.
Article 36. State parties shall protect the child against all other forms of exploitation prejudicial to any aspects of child welfare.
4. Republic Act 9775 or An Act Defining and Penalizing the crime of Pornography, Prescribing Penalties therefore and other Purposes. Section 2 (b) states that the State shall protect every child from all form of exploitation and abuse including but not limited to 1) the use of a child in pornographic materials and 2) inducement or coercion of a child to engage or be involved in pornography through whatever means.
5. PPG Memorandum Circular No. 1 series of 2012 or the Child and Youth Protection Policy and Guidelines in Residential Care Facilities Section 3 describes that appropriate mechanisms are installed to ensure that children in DSWD residential care facilities are safe and protected from any forms of abuse, maltreatment, exploitation and violence. Center states the provision of immediate interventions to a child below 18 years of age or over but is unable to fully protect herself from abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation or discrimination because of a physical or mental disability or condition. These services are preventive and rehabilitative in nature and can either be community or center-based/residential care.
Mechanics of the Program
1. Preparation of Program Plan
The HFG’s program plan is based on its own mission, vision, and goals derived from the DSWD’s regularly updated VMGs. These goals and objectives are aligned with the agency’s major outputs.
The HFG is a residential facility that follows the “Rights of the Vulnerable Sectors” standard. Its output is delivered through the “Protective Social Welfare Program”.
Even though the HFG’s programs and services are already in place, they are continuously looking for ways to improve their effectiveness.
Through SWOT analysis, the program plan identifies projects and programs that support the facility’s VMG. These are then prioritized based on the facility’s emerging needs. In addition, the Field Office conducts budget workshops and annual financial planning sessions to ensure that the projects are carried out according to the facility’s needs.
2. Identification of Program Funds
The funds used for the operation of the HFG come from the DSWD’s field office and the Centrally managed fund.
3. Collaboration and Networking
The HFG has been recognizing the various advantages of working with other development agencies and social welfare organizations. These organizations can help improve the efficiency of the services they provide. In addition to being able to provide better services, working with other groups can also help prevent duplicated efforts.
Through the partnership between the HFG and other SWDAs, the organization has been able to access additional financial resources, allowing it to improve its services’ quality and efficiency. It has also opened up the opportunity to meet the needs of its clients more holistically.
Development assistance from donors and other organizations can help the HFG maximize its regular budget for its residential care facilities and centers. This can be done through the allocation of funds for various projects and programs that will benefit the organization’s clients.
To ensure that their partnership is successful, partners are encouraged to sign an MOU with the HFG. This document will help them establish a clear understanding of the organization’s goals and provide them with a more effective framework.
The HFG continuously endeavors to strengthen its collaboration with other organizations through transparent efforts. This can help them expand their reach and provide better services to their clients.
Programs and Services
While the Home provides temporary shelter and protective custody for children who have been abused or exploited by their parents, as well as environments and threats that endanger their safety and security, Comprehensive Programs and Services were developed to address/help resolve traumatic experiences as a result of abusive experiences.
Through group and individualized therapeutic care, they must adjust their habits and address emotional issues that interfere with their normal development and functioning.
The following is a synopsis of the HFG’s services, which will be explored in greater depth under the Helping Interventions:
Protection Programs and Services/Social Services
The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Home for Girls offers a variety of protection programs and social services to ensure the safety and well-being of the girls living at the facility.
These programs and services include but are not limited to: providing a safe and secure environment for the girls; providing counseling services for emotional and mental health; offering educational and vocational training opportunities; and providing access to medical and health services.
All these programs and services are designed to help the girls develop the skills they need to succeed. By investing in the girls’ futures, the DSWD Home for Girls is helping to create a brighter tomorrow for the Philippines.
These are services that are aimed at lessening vulnerability and reduce a child’s exposure to threats. It is here that case management as a service delivery system comes into play. It is the foundation of all services in the center and is overseen by the Case Manager/Social Worker.
These are interventions aimed at restoring/developing the social functioning of center residents from admission to discharge, as well as preparing them for family reunification, community reintegration, and alternative family placement if necessary.
Home Life Services/Group Living Activities
Home Life Services/Group Living Activities are designed to help girls build a sense of family and community, foster independence and self-reliance, and promote a sense of belonging.
Examples of Home Life Services/Group Living Activities include group meals, recreational activities, educational programs, and therapeutic activities. Through these activities, girls are able to develop relationships with their peers and adults, learn to manage their emotions, and build the skills and confidence necessary to transition into independent living.
The DSWD Home for Girls believes that these activities are essential in helping young girls to heal, grow, and thrive.
This involves the supply of basic requirements such as food, clothes, and shelter while also emphasizing the development of values and suitable skills.
Psychosocial Services
These are services aimed at addressing children’s ongoing psychological and social needs, which may include, but are not limited to, in-depth assessment and evaluation of the child’s personality, intellect, and behavior using psychological testing in order to restore her social functioning.
These services include individual and group counseling, mentoring, life skills training, and leisure activities. Through these activities, the girls learn to build positive relationships, develop problem-solving skills, and develop self-confidence. The goal is to help the girls grow into emotionally healthy and independent adults.
Additionally, the DSWD Home for Girls provides a safe and caring environment for the girls to explore their interests and develop their skills. As a result, the girls are empowered to make informed decisions and take control of their own lives.
Legal and paralegal services are provided to children through the DSWD retainer lawyer or through referrals in the event that a kid files a case court against her attacker.
Capability and Empowerment Services
These services include life skills training, educational support, and career guidance. Through these activities, girls learn to build self-esteem, develop problem-solving skills, and become more confident in making decisions.
The Home also provides a safe and nurturing environment for girls to explore their passions, discover their strengths, and become empowered to take charge of their own lives. With the help of the Home’s dedicated staff, girls can gain the skills and knowledge they need to lead successful and fulfilling lives.
These aid children in understanding the origin, dynamics, and social causes of child violence, children’s human rights, assertiveness exercises, practicing nonviolence and protective conduct to prevent re-victimization. Children’s formal education and/or functional literacy are also part of the capability services.
Skills and Livelihood Training
These programs equip them with the knowledge, livelihood skills, and vocational crafts needed to gain employment and become self-sufficient towards reintegration into society. Examples of training available include baking and tailoring.
These courses are designed to give the girls the skills they need to start their own businesses or find employment in the job market. The DSWD Home for Girls also provides counseling and life skills training to help the girls become more self-confident and better prepared for the challenges of adulthood. The girls can take control of their futures and achieve their goals with the skills and resources they acquire.
Moral and spiritual services
These services include weekly Bible study classes, daily devotional readings, and spiritual counseling from a trained counselor.
Through these activities, the girls are encouraged to develop their spiritual faith, stimulate personal growth, strengthen relationships with others to develop a strong sense of morality and faith, which will help them in their journey to become successful, independent women.
The Home for Girls also provides a safe, supportive environment for the girls to discuss their thoughts and feelings about their faith and beliefs. This provides an opportunity for the girls to grow in their understanding of the world around them and to develop a strong sense of self.
Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situations (AICS)
This refers to services provided to children and their families, such as immediate rescue and direct financial and material aid. AICS offers a wide range of services including food, shelter, medical assistance, and psychological support. It also provides follow-up services to ensure that the affected individuals are able to cope with their situation and transition to a better life. The AICS team is composed of dedicated and compassionate professionals who are committed to providing the highest quality of care to those in need. With their help, individuals can get back on their feet and move forward with their lives.
Referral Services
Children are referred to other agencies for assistance/services that the agency does not provide. These services include connecting them to appropriate organizations and programs that can best provide the necessary assistance. Referrals may include access to mental health counseling, legal aid, job training, educational support, and other supportive services. This referral network is designed to ensure that girls have access to the resources they need and to help them build strong, healthy, and successful futures. The DSWD Home for Girls is committed to providing girls with the necessary resources to reach their potential and lead fulfilling lives.
Their target demographic is young women who are under the age of 18, namely:
- Children who had jobs as receptionists, waitresses, dancers, performers, and home workers prior to being coerced into becoming prostitutes are referred to as “victims of involuntary or forced prostitution,” and they are called “victims.”
- Minors who were hired for a fee to perform various tasks, either locally or internationally, but who were then exploited after the hiring was deemed illegal are considered victims of illegal recruitment.
- Victims of physical abuse, specifically those children who are subjected to mental, physical, and emotional abuse at the hands of other family members, husbands, bosses, and so on.
- Young people who have been raped or subjected to lewd activities are considered victims of sexual abuse.
Video: Group Home For Girls (under DSWD)
The video above is from the Home for Girls Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office XI in Davao City.
The Group Home for Girls is a DSWD regional facility and a shelter-care institution in the film. It covers girls between the ages of seven and seventeen. The clinic was established in 1983 to help single mothers.
South Philippine Missions and SDA donations were used to rent a bungalow house in Matina, GSIS, Davao City. It provides programs and activities to assist the girls in healing from their terrible experiences. The girls get social, mental, and emotional care during their stay at the facility.
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Here’s another video of the House for Girls in Butuan City. For over two decades, the Home for Girls has been providing shelter to girls in Butuan City who need special protection.
The organization aims to rehabilitate and prepare these girls for community reintegration by strengthening its programs and services. It also aims to help female children and abused women in crises.
By becoming a partner of the organization, you can help the girls and open doors for them.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the contact information of DSWD Home for Girls?
You can contact the DSWD’s Home for Girls by calling (033) 522-8941 or visiting their website at
2. What is the goal of the Home For Girls?
The Center seeks to help girls with special needs, who are often in difficult situations, get back to normal functioning and regain their dignity and self-worth. Through its restorative and defensive programs, it aims to prepare them for community reintegration and repatriation.
3. What are the Facility Services offered by the Home for Girls?
The Home for Girls provides various services and programs for girls. Some of these include residential care, health services, group living activities, psychosocial testing, and social services.
4. What are the Spiritual Services Offered by the Home For Girls?
A spiritual service is a type of activity that involves regular team prayer time and other activities that promote brotherhood and close personal relationships with God.
5. What is the HFG program plan?
The HFG’s program plan is built on its own mission, vision, and goals based on the DSWD’s regularly updated VMGs. These goals and strategies are designed to achieve the Agency’s major outputs.
6. Does the Home for Girls provide Psychological Services?
The Home for Girls provides a variety of psychological services to help adolescent girls cope with their mental health issues. These include group therapy sessions, individual counseling, and family sessions. In addition, the facility offers programming for individuals who have experienced trauma.
7. What do social workers do in home for the girls?
The goal of homelife services is to provide the child with the basic needs such as food, shelter, and clothes. This is done through the teaching and helping of the child in various work and daily chores.
8. What are the programs of DSWD for children?
The DSWD provides various rehabilitation services to individuals with mental disabilities. These include residential facilities, training programs, and a national training school for boys and girls.
Final Thoughts
Girls between the ages of 7 and 17 are given a safe haven in the DSWD Home for Girls, which is a facility that functions as a refuge. It is designed to assist individuals in conquering their challenges and regaining their sense of worth and dignity in the process. In addition, the facility provides these girls with several different programs and services to assist them.
We hope you learned a lot about the DSWD Home for Girls, and we hope you can share this information with others who may be interested in learning more about this important facility.